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Signs Our Chakras May Be Blocked

Our physical body is surrounded by an invisible energy body. In the energy body, there are layers, and each layer is associated with a different chakra. When our chakras become blocked, it can distort our perceptions, dampen our feelings, and interfere with our living a joyful and fulfilling life.

Signs of a blocked and balanced chakra:

1 - Root Chakra

Signs of a blocked Root Chakra: lack of basic needs (money, food, shelter,etc.), disconnected, unstable

Signs of a balanced Root Chakra: prosperity, security, stability

2 - Sacral Chakra

Signs of a blocked Sacral Chakra: fear of commitment, impotence, additions, uninspired

Signs of a balanced Sacral Chakra: healthy relationships, creativity, compassion

3 - Solar Plexus Chakra

Signs of a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra: low self-esteem, anxiety, incoherence

Signs of a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra: confident, productive

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4 - Heart Chakra

Signs of a blocked Heart Chakra: anger, bitterness, jealousy

Signs of a balanced Heart Chakra: caring, trusting, loving

5 - Throat Chakra

Signs of a blocked Throat Chakra: control issues, lack of willpower

Signs of a balanced Throat Chakra: articulate, confident

6 - Third Eye Chakra

Signs of a blocked Third Eye Chakra: moody, volatile, indecisive

Signs of a balanced Third Eye Chakra: spiritually and emotionally vibrant, intuitive

7 - Crown Chakra

Signs of a blocked Crown Chakra: confusion, self-doubt, depression

Signs of a balanced Crown Chakra: self-awareness, enlightenment, wisdom


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