Today, many people want to lose weight and take control of their health, but they don't know how or where to start.
There are many different diet plans out there. Many of them claim to help you lose weight quickly. If you are struggling to lose weight, you may want to consider a keto diet. The basic principle of most keto diets is that eating fewer carbohydrates will help you burn your fat stores as energy. Don't quite understand how and why it works, continue reading.
There are a number of diets based on a low-carb and keto eating plan, including Atkins, Dukan and South Beach.
What Is A Keto Diet?
A low-carb and keto diet is one that limits the amount of carbohydrates consumed. The carbohydrates limited are found primarily in breads, pasta, starchy vegetables, as well as sweets such as cookies, candy, ice cream, etc. Instead of carbs, your main focus should be protein-rich foods and vegetables. According to research, low-carb diets can be a part of an effective weight loss strategy.
Carbs In A Nutshell
Depending on the food, carbohydrates can be classified as simple or complex. When eaten, carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, which are then absorbed into the blood, causing blood glucose levels to rise. Insulin, which is produced in the pancreas, increases and is released to help glucose enter the body's cells to be used for energy.
Both types of carbohydrates provide energy via glucose.
Simple carbohydrates are made up of shorter chains of molecules, digested quickly and provide quick bursts of energy that won't last. Complex carbohydrates are made up of longer chains of molecules, take longer to break down, and provide long-lasting energy.
Simple carbohydrates are the types of carbs that can lead to weight gain and are the type of carbs limited on a low-carb diet.
How Low-Carb Diets Work For Weight Loss
While carbohydrates are important for your health, eating too many can cause your body to store the excess as fat. Enter the low carb diet. As noted earlier, the body breaks down carbohydrates, producing glucose, which is then used to produce energy. When you limit your carb intake, your body needs to find another energy source. Fat, either from your diet and/or your body's fat stores, is broken down and converted to ketones, which then become your body's main energy source. Your body switches from a carb-burning machine into a fat-burning machine. Result: Weight Loss.
In short, a low-carb or ketogenic diet can be great for anyone who would like to improve their metabolic health.
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